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Other users cannot hear me


I have joined a room with other people, I can hear them, but they cannot hear me.


Here are the most common solutions:

  • Update the application to the latest version

  • Make sure that your microphone inside the application is not muted. You can check this by spawning your tablet, and checking the microphone icon status on the bottom left

  • Check your internet connection speed. We have experienced that poor internet connection may result in the voice not being transmitted correctly

  • Try resetting your microphone connection from inside the application. To do this, spawn your tablet, click on the “Settings “wheel icon on the bottom of the tablet and click the “Reset microphone” button

  • Switching between VR and desktop mode does not change the audio output and microphone automatically. When switching it you need to stop the app, change the system audio settings and start the app again to change the microphone and speakers you are using

If none of the above applies, please check if:

  • If you are using a standalone headset (e.g., Meta Quest), check if your headset has the permission to use the microphone

  • If you are using a tethered headset (e.g., Oculus Rift), check the sound settings on your computer and make sure that the input device is the one that corresponds to the headset (in case of changes, restart the application)

If all else fails:

  • Restart the application and/or the entire device (if tethered headset, unplug the cables and plug them in again)

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.